发条精灵战记 天镜的极北之星 (2016)
类型:Animation Adventure Drama Fantasy 日本动漫
导演:市村彻夫 山口美浩 熨斗谷充孝 松村政辉 八田洋介 薮田修平 Furukawa Tomohiro
主演:市道真央 樫井笙人 绵贯龙之介 野濑育二 水濑祈
简介:2016年市道真央,樫井笙人,参加的Japan综艺《发条精灵战记 天镜的极北之星》
The mighty Katjvarna Empire is currently embroiled
The mighty Katjvarna Empire is currently embroiled in a war with the neighboring Kiorka Republic. Within an unspecified corner of this empire, a certain young man was reluctantly preparing ... See full summary »